
Learn about the benefits of adding customer profiles as well as importing and exporting the customer list and bulk updating credit balances.



The customer list displays all the customer profiles created in your POS system. Here you can export your customer profile list and create profiles directly in the dashboard.

To add a customer profile, click on the "Add Customer" button on the top right corner of the page. Then enter in the provided information and save. When customer profiles are created on the POS, these customer profiles will be viewable on the dashboard.

Benefits of Adding Customer Profiles

BLAZE customers can search in their dashboard for a customer profile by name or the provided contact information.

The benefits of adding a customer profile to orders include:

  • Ability to email receipts.

  • View past purchase history.

  • Total amount spent at the store.

  • The number of visits.


There is an area to record customer loyalty. However, there are varying provincial regulations surrounding customer loyalty. Refer to your provincial guidelines prior to using the loyalty balance feature.

Importing/Exporting the Customer List for Bulk Updating

You have the option to export your customer list, make any changes and then import the list back into BLAZE as long as your security role permits you to do so.

You also have the option to import customer data you may have been managing outside of your POS as long as it is a .csv or .xlsx file. The Name field is the only required field. This is also dependent on your security role.

If your security role does not permit you to export the customer list, you will be notified by an error message.

By clicking the "Import/Export" button beside the "Add Customer" on the top right of the Customer List page you will be prompted with a pop-up box with a tab for "Customers" and for "Credit Balance". You will choose "Customers" to either import a list or export your current list.

Note: The following fields are editable:

  • Name

  • Card ID

  • Phone

  • Email

  • Address/City/Country/Postal Code

  • Birthday

  • Gender

  • Is Tax Exempt

  • Loyalty Tier

  • Notes


You may receive an error message while importing your .csv. Errors may include duplicate email or if a date has not been formatted as indicated above (yyyy-mm-dd)

Simply fix in your .csv and import again.

Importing/Exporting for Bulk Credit Balance Updating

The second tab on the "Import/Export" is "Credit Balance". As noted below, this is an easy way to bulk update credit balances for your customers. As with the bulk customer update above, the correct security permissions must be applied to the user who is utilizing this tool.