BLAZE ECOM: How to Manually Sync Greenline in ECOM Mission Control

Follow this guide to quickly sync changes made on Greenline to your Blaze ECOM store

Why Manually Sync?

Updates to products and categories should automatically sync every 15 minutes or so, but for the sake of time and to ensure changes are live, you have the ability to trigger a sync between Greenline and Blaze ECOM immediately.  

Here are some common details that you might want to manually sync:

  • Product names, descriptions, cannabinoid values
  • Inventory
  • Categories 

How to Trigger a Manual Sync

Follow these steps once changes have been made to products and/or categories.

  1. Log into your Blaze ECOM Mission Control
  2. Navigate to Settings
  3. Click on Integrations

    Screenshot 2024-05-13 at 12.13.19 PM
  4. Scroll down the screen and click on the Greenline POS integration card - notice that the card will also show the last sync time

    Screenshot 2024-05-13 at 12.15.21 PM
  5. Click the Request Sync button near the top right corner

    Screenshot 2024-05-13 at 12.23.31 PM
  6. The Request Sync button will disappear and you will see the message Preparing..., indicating the systems are now syncing

    Screenshot 2024-05-13 at 12.24.20 PM-1
  7. Once the sync is complete, the Request Sync button will reappear with the caption "Last Sync: a few seconds ago"
    Screenshot 2024-05-13 at 12.27.05 PM
  8. Greenline and Blaze ECOM Mission Control have now synced


You may now navigate to your Blaze ECOM storefront to confirm the desired changes are live on the page.