BLAZE ECOM: Merrco Online Payments

Learn how to integrate Merrco payment processing with your Blaze ECOM store.


Before you begin

You will need to contact Merrco Support to acquire the credentials required to set up online payments.   

They will provide the following:

Client ID

Client Secret

Public Key


Setting Up Merrco on the Greenline Dashboard

  1. Navigate to your Greenline dashboard > BLAZE ECOM

  2. Click Configure > the Configuration side panel will appear > Click  Configure Merrco Settings

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  3. The Connect to Merrco window will appear, showing three (3) empty fields:

    1. Client ID
    2. Client Secret
    3. Public Key

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  4. Once the information is entered click Connect, and the Connect to Merrco window will close.
  5. Check the Pay Online (Merrco) box to ensure the integration is triggered in the Blaze ECOM store.
    Screenshot 2024-02-08 at 1.20.08 PM

Merrco Integration on Blaze ECOM Mission Control

Once you have finished entering the Merrco online payment credentials into the Greenline dashboard, they should automatically sync to the Blaze ECOM Mission Control (MC).

This can be confirmed on the ECOM MC:

  1. Log into Blaze ECOM Mission Control > Settings > Integrations
  2. Scroll to the Merrco/Payfirma integration card - you should see "Connected":Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 10.06.57 AM
  3. Click the card and you will see the Merrco online payment credentials that were entered into the Greenline dashboard:

    Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 10.12.46 AM 

Retailers will be unable to disconnect the Merrco integration on ECOM MC.
Please contact the Customer Support Team or your Onboarding Specialist if any changes or updates are required.


For Merrco to appear as a payment option on your ECOM store, it must be activated from ECOM MC:

  1. Navigate to your Blaze ECOM MC
  2. Go to Settings > Payment Options
  3. Turn ON the Pay Now (merrco) toggle

    Screenshot 2024-02-08 at 1.59.35 PM

Merrco online payments will now be enabled on your ECOM shop.

Testing Payments

To ensure Merrco online payments are processing correctly, it is necessary to perform a test sale on your ECOM store.  

You can do so by simply placing an order through your ECOM store, going through the regular customer order flow, or placing an order with a credit card.  You should receive confirmation of successful payment and the order having been placed. 

If you receive any error messages after attempting to place the order, please make a note of the error with either a screenshot or by writing it down.  It is important to be specific. 

Reach out to the Customer Support Team with the error and they will be able to investigate any issues with the overall setup or if necessary, contact the Merrco team for follow-up.

Terms, Conditions & Other Policies

Merrco requires that retailers provide clearly outlined terms and conditions on their website/ECOM store.  You may need to follow up with Merrco Support to determine their exact requirements in regards to the placement of these terms and conditions.

They have provided the following templates to assist with creating these policies, if necessary:

Terms & Conditions 
Returns & Refunds

Terms & Conditions may be placed within the Checkout Disclaimer section of Blaze ECOM Mission Control:

  1. On Blaze ECOM MC > Settings > Store Configuration
  2. Scroll down the page to the Checkout Disclaimer > Click Edit

    Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 10.32.55 AM-1
  3. The Checkout Info Disclaimer text box will appear.  
  4. You may simply enter the text you wish to appear or you may create links to a page on your website that contains these terms and conditions.

To create links within the Checkout Disclaimer:

  1. Input text that will act as the link
    i.e. "Policy", "Click here for Terms & Conditions", etc.
  2. Highlight the text and click the chain (link) icon in the top right corner
  3. The "Enter Link" box will appear
  4. Input the URL of the page you want to link to
  5. Click Save

The text entered will now appear as a hyperlink and will appear at checkout.