POS (Tablet) - Start a Shift and Employee Login

Learn how to start shifts and help employees login each shift.


Start all your shifts correctly at the beginning of each business day and help your employees log into the POS device so they can track their sales during a shift.

If you are using WebPOS click here


How Do I Start a Shift?

Enter in a starting cash float value greater than zero along with your unique employee passcode. This passcode should be set up in the dashboard or back-end.

Sign in page


Once the float value and passcode have been entered, you can tap on the “Start Shift” button. This will then take you to your Register page, where you can start taking sales orders.

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Employee Login

The employee, who is currently logged in, will see their name appear at the top of left corner of the Register page. The POS will track your shift sales and activities while logged into the POS.

When employees are making sales, ensure that the employee processing the sale has their name displayed on the Register page. This will correctly track and document which sales are being made by specific employees.

Checkpoint-POS Main Page 

How can multiple employees login to the same shift?

At the beginning of a shift, each employee will need to login in. On the Register page, tap on the displayed employee's name. A pop up will appear showing all the logged in employees who are tracking sales for the current shift.

Employees can enter in their passcode and tap on "Clock in" to begin tracking their shift sales. When employees take their breaks or clock out, they can enter in their employee passcode and tap on the “Break” or “Clock out” buttons. To resume tracking sales, you will need to re-enter your passcode and tap on “Clock in”.

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How can we switch employee profiles?

On the Register page, tap on the displayed employee's name. A pop up will appear showing all the logged in employees who are tracking sales for the current shift. If you are logged in, enter in your passcode to switch employee profiles and your name will appear on the Register page.