Moneris Connectivity Issues

If you encounter an issue with Moneris losing connection, please follow these steps to resolve.


There may be a time when Moneris disconnects from the BLAZE system and you may think your stuck...but we have a solution for you! 

Firstly, please make sure you have your Moneris terminal setup: click here

Secondly, make sure you have your Moneris Static IP and Semi-Integration setup: click here

Once a sale is made on BLAZE, it is pushed to Moneris. Moneris then processes the payment and prints the receipt. This is when you will most likely encounter a Moneris disconnect error. The Moneris PIN pad loses connection, thus the POS doesn't receive a prompt from the Moneris PIN pad.  

If you experience this, you follow these steps to fix the issue.

  1. After 15 seconds of no signal from the Moneris PIN pad, a red button bar will appear at the bottom right corner of the screen.

  2. Press the red button bar and follow the instructions to manually record the sale using the Moneris receipt from the PIN pad. 

  3. The transaction will then be logged on the BLAZE system. 


We are working with Moneris to eliminate this problem. In the meantime, the steps above provide an appropriate work around.